Tuesday, May 25, 2010

days...is there any time?

just to freak everybody out...the answer is no...why? because trials is in 2 months away starting june as we speak..and another freaking no..why? because after trials...spm is like 3 months away? could u believe it? neither can i...and as we all know....time flies..and seriously...it's not what u call shit happens or or there's time...or or lets hang out...no man..when u seriously sitting for trials and spm and u say on that day..shit happens..my man...a brick shit happened..and its gonna give sore to ur butt as long as u are living in this pretty pathetic world man..hahah why pathetic?...recently...not exactly its actually happening...do u know that north korea started all the drama and south korea wanted war right now?..and and thailand...once peacefull land..with all so famous bangkok..now is turning into a massacre where the red shirts are destroying at nothing to change the government...poland flooded and the president died on a plane crash...jamica had inwars and people fighting..and there is world cup where everybody come to enjoy and watch in HD if u got astro beyond and support for the teams that u support..haih...world is pathetic nowadays...

well i'm currently getting shitty moments for my mid year exam...english essay paper...is the worst i ever wrote...chemistry haih..no point asking...sejarah and add math will also cause sit to happen tomorrow..and yeah...the natural and the good old routine that i always dream of not to have procrastinating which is scientificly proven to be good in a way that makes u think a lot...like my physics teacher like to say....if u think a lot..ur definately a science student..well for my situation is more on day dreaming...as in a dream that is totally blank...so i wouldnt really agree on calling myself a science student so yeahh...

haih...why do time past so fast when its actually going 24 hrs 60 min 60 sec everyday....haih...its because we use time wisely and we are at least doing something and actually realising something...now if u want to be good science student and experiment urself...try to just look at the watch for 10 minutes and count in second...will this be faster than concentrating urself on doing at least 2 long add maths question...yeahh take those like simultaneous equations...and see comparing which one is faster...or to make time past more fast..try like satrt a timer when u put ur books in a mess then u just tidy up ur room and just pack ur bag for school and maybe after that brush ur teeth and listen to a song and dance at it...will this be faster than counting each seconds in 10 minutes? of course it faster well do it urself and find out if u think time flies..well its because ur using it...doing something..realising things..which is good..but must do it in a good way..like for example studying right? hahaha

well gotta hit the books because tomorrow sejarah and add math is totally a shit happening subjects to have exam on...light up the darkness yeah?

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